Social Media
Learn about the many benefits of social media and how Leavitt Group's Marketing team can help. First, you'll want to assign a social media champion in your office to help manage your page and to act as a contact point with the marketing team for social media resources.
The LG Marketing team creates content and posts it to your agency's Facebook page three to five times per week. This is fairly generic content that works for all agencies, no matter their location. They are basically keeping your Facebook page current and looking professional.
How you can be involved in your social media marketing:
Post! While the marketing team will do a lot of the day-to-day posting for you, the most successful posts are ones that are location and/or agency specific. Tell your followers about office parties, charitable events, or things you love about your community. This can go a long way towards increasing the visibility of your agency in your community.
Engage! Social media is meant to be social. Set aside a few minutes each day or week to like, comment, or share your agency's content. Use the monthly social media calendar for ideas that make your posts fun and creative. To receive the social media calendar, email
Start by following all the Leavitt Group's social media channels: