Getting Started Managing your Agency Facebook Page:
Office Cover Photo—Upload a photo of your office staff as your agency page cover photo.
1-3 local posts per week—Create 1-3 posts per week about your office staff or community involvement on your Facebook page that people will like, comment, or share. Use the social media calendar from Media to get ideas.
Like and comment on 3-5 other pages per week. Each time you comment on other Facebook pages, your company logo and name are visible to all those following that page.
Get likes—Have everyone in your office invite their Facebook friends to like the page
Leverage your personal Facebook profile. Work in what you do for a living!
Include Staff Photos and Videos!
Use LG Templates:
Here are some of the many ways social media can help your business:
Build brand awareness and trust.
Generate leads and build community.
Humanize your brand.
Social listening—social media makes it easy to listen to what people are saying about your company.
Easy-to-measure marketing performance.
Employee advocacy—When employees are proud to work for Leavitt Group, they'll let the world know.
Word-of-mouth marketing—When employees and clients share their experiences, their social connections are likely to see it.
Advertising through social media is effective and cost friendly compared to print or other traditional media.
Social media can help in search results and increase your visibility online.
Stay top of mind—70% of social media users check their accounts multiple times per day.
Crisis communication—Silence is not an option when it comes to responding to crises. Social media is one of the fastest ways to get information to your clients when they need it.
Learn more about your customers—social media generates data about your clients in real time. This can help you understand what content matters to your clients.
Build comradery with agency staff and clients.