Outline of a PERFECT insurance job posting!
Have a clear title.
Tell them what you are looking for.
(Bonus) Responsibilities.
Agency Story.
How to Apply.
Yes, it needs to be something they'll search for, but doesn't have to stop there. For example, Receptionist AKA Director of First Impressions.
This is NOT a job description. At all. It's a love letter to the person you want working in your agency. Who is that?
Let people know what they'll be in charge of, but this still isn't a job description.
Who are you? What got you here? Why should they work for you?
For the love of insurance, don't make them upload 12 documents just to interview. We promise, you'll get the chance to vet them, but after the initial interview.
(Kelly Donahue-Piro, Agency Performance Partners)